
At ERA Evangelical Relief Agency, accountability and transparency are an integral part of everything we do. From every purpose restricted donation, ERA’s Board of Directors may allocate between 15% and 20% of that donation to cover its administrative and fundraising costs. If restricted donations exceed the need of the crisis, the capacity to respond to a crisis and/or when local conditions prevent effective assistance, ERA’s Board of Directors may allocate these funds to other worthy projects that help ERA fulfill its global mission of helping persons in need.

Bank:  Privredna Banka Zagreb
Branch: (Address)  Radnicka cesta 50, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
SwiftCode:   PBZGHR2X
BankCode:  2340009
Account Name:   Evandeoska razvojna agencija
Account #:  HR5023400091111081464

Address associated with the Account Name: 
Ciliceva 3,
10000 Zagreb,

Or Paypal: